Majesty palm (Ravenea rivularis) is a tropical tree native to Madagascar, where it can grow nearly 100 feet tall. It is grown mostly as an air-purifying indoor tree, where confining its roots keeps this plant to about 10 feet tall. Majesty palm has long, arching green fronds atop multiple stems. This palm needs bright light indoors, dappled light outdoors, and high humidity to thrive.
When grown indoors, majesty palm will add about one foot of growth per year until it reaches four to six feet, then it slows down dramatically. It is faster-growing as an outdoor plant where its roots are free to roam—it is occasionally used as a landscape tree in California, South Florida, and other tropical regions.
Common Names | Majesty palm, majestic palm |
Botanical Name | Ravenea rivularis |
Family | Arecaceae |
Plant Type | Tree |
Mature Size | 10-100 ft.tall, 6–20 ft. wide |
Sun Exposure | Partial |
Soil Type | Moist, well-drained |
Soil pH | Acidic |
Hardiness Zones | 10-11 (USDA) |
Native Area | Africa |
Majesty Palm Care
Majesty palms should be placed in a spot where they get mostly bright, indirect light, plus a few hours of morning or afternoon sun through a window. Providing the right amount of light for these plants is crucial. Successfully growing them requires balancing several factors: heat, light, and fertilization. Majesty palms have a reputation for being somewhat temperamental.
Majesty palms are understory plants in their natural habitat. Indoors, provide them with lots of indirect light and a few hours of sun from a window. Move plants that are stretching to a brighter spot, but do not place them in full sunlight.
A standard potting mix, with some extra peat mixed in, is an ideal growing medium for majesty palms. These palms need good drainage to prevent water-logged roots. They are acid-loving plants that do best with a pH level as low as 5.
Keep the potting media evenly moist but not waterlogged. Don't let the plant's soil get too dry between waterings, or you'll start to lose lower leaves.
Temperature and Humidity
This plant will grow fairly well in temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees. It prefers high humidity but can survive in ordinary household humidity levels. In dryer homes, running a humidifier can have a positive effect. Low humidity levels can encourage insect pests.
Feed with a weak, liquid fertilizer once or twice during the growing season and not at all during the winter. If your indoor palm plant starts to stretch out, then reduce or stop fertilizing. A fertilizer mix designed for cacti is a good choice.
Types of Majesty Palm
There are only about 20 species in the Ravenea genus, and most are extremely rare or endangered. Majesty palm is the only species commonly cultivated for garden or houseplant use, and it has no named cultivars.
Pruning is not entirely necessary. For aesthetic reasons, you may want to remove any fronds that have turned brown or yellow. Use clean pruners or shears to get a clean, sharp cut without tugging on the plant.
Propagating Majesty Palm
The best method for propagating majesty palms is division, or separating the offset "pups" from the mother palm. This method is best completed when you need to repot the plant, so it's not stressed from moving it around too much. Here are the steps for division:
- Remove the plant from its pot by gently rolling it out of the container while it's on its side. Do not yank the palm from its pot.
- Look for pups, or offshoots, from the mother plant that you can potentially separate from the root ball.
- Massage the root ball with your fingers and separate the pups. Use a disinfected, sharp knife if needed.
- Place offshoots in pots with fast-draining soil. Water the pots thoroughly.
- Put the new pots in the same lighting as the healthy host plant, and wait about a month before fertilizing.
Potting and Repotting Majesty Palm
Repot every one or two years. When repotting, be careful not to damage the root ball and use a large, heavy container to prevent the palm tree from tipping over. Pots made from clay or ceramic will help stabilize these plants, which can get top-heavy.
A standard potting mix blended with additional peat moss works well as a growing medium.
Majesty palm doesn't require any specific care during winter. In cold-winter regions, it's quite common to move these plants back and forth between an outdoor patio and an indoor location as the seasons shift. Make sure to get your plant indoors before freezing weather arrives. This plant will not survive winter in zones 9 or cooler.
Common Pests
Majesty palms are vulnerable to pests including aphids, scale, and whitefly. Low humidity levels make this plant especially susceptible to spider mites and mealybugs. If possible, identify the infestation as early as possible and treat it with the least abrasive option.
How to Get Majesty Palm to Bloom
Majesty palms rarely bloom until they are fully mature—and indoor plants rarely bloom. Large outdoor trees planted in the landscape may produce white flowers followed by red fruit once they are full-sized. The blooms are not particularly showy.
Common Problems With Majesty Palms
Leaf color is a major indicator of majesty palm health. Here's a rundown of the reasons why your majesty palm isn't looking as green as you'd like.
Leaves Turning Yellow
Yellowing leaves are the most common problem with majesty palms, and overwatering and underwatering are the most likely culprits. A moisture meter can guide you towards correct watering.
Additionally, leaves may turn yellow if the plant needs more light, needs more humidity, or has a nutrient deficiency.
Leaves Turning Brown
If the leaves are turning crispy brown, the palm may be getting too much sunlight and should be placed in a spot with less direct light to avoid leaf burn.
If leaves are beginning to turn brown at the tips, the plant is probably not getting enough water. If you notice brown spots developing on the leaves, that's likely an insect problem.
Do majesty palms grow better indoors or outdoors?
Majesty palms will grow better outdoors, especially in zones where they are hardy: 10 and 11. However, majesty palm can be grown indoors if cared for properly. Growers in cooler zones can also give their plants a boost by placing them outside in summer.
How fast does a majesty palm grow?
This palm tree grows about one foot a year, which means infrequent repotting. Once it reaches four to six feet, the growth rate slows.
How often should I water my majesty palm?
Majesty palms do not like their soil to dry out, but they also don't like soggy soil. Instead of watering on a schedule, regularly check the soil and water only if needed. A moisture meter will tell you when the soil is still somewhat moist but about to dry out.
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Ravenea rivularis. North Carolina State Extension.