Overwatch 2: Cassidy Guide (Tips, Abilities, And More) (2024)

Although he's seen a name change in recent years, Cassidy is still one of the most recognizable DPS characters present in Overwatch. In the jump to Overwatch 2, the outlaw has seen one major change that definitely shakes up the way he's played. Aside from a complete revamp to one of his abilities, Cassidy has also seen a combination of buffs and nerfs to his other abilities. Those that were familiar with the combat-rolling cowboy in the original Overwatch should slide right back into their familiar damage role in the newest release, and new players should be able to pick up and play the character with relative ease.

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The following guide gives an in-depth look at Cassidy, what's changed for the outlaw, and how new players can take advantage of his damage-heavy playstyle in Overwatch 2.

Cassidy's Playstyle In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2: Cassidy Guide (Tips, Abilities, And More) (1)

When it comes to DPS characters, few are as straightforward as Cassidy. The wild west-influenced hero dishes out serious damage with his Peacekeeper, and can downright decimate foes in seconds if players are accurate enough to land some well-placed headshots. Squishy DPS heroes and support players will have difficulty taking the fight to a Cassidy head-on, especially if the outlaw has spotted them first. His weapon operates via "hit-scan," meaning the bullets will connect almost instantly, and don't suffer from the "placement issues" of projectile-based weapons. Cassidy offers players of all skill levels a "point-and-shoot" playstyle.

The smooth-talking hero is capable of dishing out damage at almost any range, but most players will find comfort in the mid-to-close ranges. It is possible to punish players with well-placed shots at long range but without a zoom mechanic, it can be difficult to hit consistent shots, especially for those that are just hopping into Overwatch for the first time and getting used to the gunplay. His solid range and heavy damage output make Cassidy a great choice for players that are pushing a payload or holding a particularly exposed control point. This is because Cassidy excels at taking down enemies before they can get too close to cause damage to the rest of the team.

It is possible to use the cowboy as a flanker (and it's actually recommended when using his ultimate) but changes to his kit have made him a much better option for team fights and objectives. Here's a closer look at his new and improved kit to give players a better idea of just how they can use Cassidy to help their team.

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Cassidy's Abilities In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2: Cassidy Guide (Tips, Abilities, And More) (2)

Peacekeeper (Weapon)

Cassidy's weapon of choice is a powerful, fast-firing revolver. The six-shooter excels in multiple ranges but is very dependent on landing shots. The Peacekeeper is a hit-scan weapon and offers no AOE or damage splash capabilities. Because of this, Cassidy's weapon is very aim-dependent, and the hero rewards those that can quickly and effectively aim at the enemy. Although body shots will do a considerable amount of damage, the Peacekeeper is downright devastating when it comes to critical damage. Cassidy's revolver can eliminate many of Overwatch 2's lower-health characters with just two headshots. Those that learn how to use the hero's firearm effectively can quickly eliminate the opposing DPS or support.

Although well-placed shots and solid aim are required to get the most out of the Peacekeeper, it does offer solid damage output at close range with its alternate fire and can help players fight back against enemies that are harder to hit. By using the alternate fire on the Peacekeeper, Cassidy will empty the remainder of the magazine in a "fanning fashion." This allows players to rattle off up to six bullets in quick succession. This maneuver has seen a bit of a speed buff in Overwatch 2, making it even deadlier if players manage to land a majority of the shots on an enemy.

Combat Roll (Active)

Cassidy's Combat Roll ability gives him a small movement boost, allowing him to dodge enemy gunfire. It will also reload his Peacekeeper no matter how many shots are left, giving players a way to quickly dish out more damage or reload quickly during a particularly intense gunfight. The Combat Roll is pretty straightforward and will cause Cassidy to dodge in whatever direction players are moving when activated.

It has received a small boost in its effectiveness in Overwatch 2 thanks to the addition of a 50 percent damage reduction from all incoming damage while Cassidy is rolling. This allows players to "tank" a bit of damage when rolling away from danger or attempting to escape another player's ultimate ability.

Magnetic Grenade (Active)

The Magnetic Grenade offers the biggest change to Cassidy's overall kit. Those that played the original Overwatch will recall that the gunslinger had a "stun grenade" that could be used to stop players in their tracks or even cancel their abilities. Unfortunately for those that loved the CC potential, this ability has been removed in Overwatch 2, and Cassidy now gains access to a different grenade to better compliment his DPS playstyle.

The Magnetic Grenade operates much like its stunning predecessor in the way it's thrown, but this time it's tuned to inflict damage rather than stun. It has a special magnetic property to it that will cause it to track slightly toward enemies when thrown and if players manage to "stick" it to an enemy directly it will deal additional damage. Although there are many players out there that will miss the ability to stun other players (to escape or lineup headshots), the Magnetic Grenade actually affords Cassidy much better damage output in team fights and 1-vs-1 scenarios as it gives players quite a bit of burst damage, even if they don't manage to land the grenade directly.

It's especially useful in close-quarters fights, as players that are having trouble aiming at a particularly slippery hero can simply toss a Magnetic Grenade and use the Peacekeeper's alternate fire to dish out immense amounts of damage in a very short period of time.

Deadeye (Ultimate)

Cassidy's Deadeye ultimate operates exactly as it did in the original release. Once players activate the ultimate, they'll see the screen turn a shade of amber and notice skull icons that pop up above each enemy that Cassidy can "see." It's important to note that the skull lock-on mechanic will only work if an enemy is visible and if they manage to slip behind cover, players won't be able to attack them with Deadeye. The longer that Deadeye is active, the more damage it will do when players hit the fire button again to activate it.

Deadeye has seen a bit of a buff in Overwatch 2. Cassidy now gains ultimate charge around 10 percent faster than before. The ult's duration now lasts 7 seconds and after two seconds of activation, the damage output scales considerably faster. Players are also quite a bit tougher to take down in Deadeye mode, as Cassidy receives a 40 percent damage reduction during the ultimate.

Cassidy's Combos In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2: Cassidy Guide (Tips, Abilities, And More) (3)

Cassidy has become one of the best mid-range DPS heroes available in Overwatch 2. He pairs well with heroes that can allow him to scan the battlefield from a safe distance and pick off sky-bound threats and supports. Here's a look at some of the best hero combos that players can use when playing as Cassidy.

  • Cassidy + Mei -- Cassidy and the ice-cold Mei work very well together thanks to Mei's ability to slow down enemies that are hit with her weapon. Since Cassidy is so reliant on solid aiming, Mei helps to "slow down" particularly slippery enemies so that players can strike them easier with the Peacekeeper. When used correctly, Mei's wall also offers an opportunity for a flanking Cassidy to score an easy ultimate, as the wall will keep enemies from running away. Cassidy and Mei's ultimates also compliment each other, as enemies caught in Mei's ultimate are frozen, sitting ducks for Cassidy's Deadeye.
  • Cassidy + Sombra -- Enemy tanks, DPS, and supports that have access to shields and invulnerability fields can be a bit of a hassle for Cassidy. Thankfully, Sombra can eliminate these frustrations with a well-placed hack, allowing Cassidy to land a few shots without any defensive kickback. Sombra's EMP ult can also leave a team completely vulnerable to Cassidy's Deadeye.
  • Cassidy + Reinhardt -- Cassidy and Reinhardt work well when pushing a payload or covering a point as Cassidy can safely and effectively pick off targets with his Peacekeeper while hidden behind the safety of Reinhardt's shield. Reinhardt's Hammer Down ultimate also affords a great combo opportunity with Deadeye as enemies are completely incapacitated for a short time from the stun when Hammer Down connects.
  • Cassidy + Zarya -- Zarya's ultimate works very well with Deadeye as it will group up any enemies that are caught within it, making it much easier for Cassidy to "mark" all the targets nearby. It is important to note that players need to be careful if the enemy team has a Reinhardt or Sigma as their shield can prevent Deadeye from connecting. Players should also be aware of Baptiste or Kiriko too, as they can make their teammates invulnerable for a short time.

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Cassidy's Advantages & Counters In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2: Cassidy Guide (Tips, Abilities, And More) (4)

Cassidy's weapon and ability to dish out immense damage at a multitude of ranges makes him one of the best DPS characters to deal with nuisance air-bound DPS like Pharah and Echo. His Peacekeeper will make quick work of these squishier targets, especially if players can land headshots. This makes him a great candidate to take out dedicated healers like Mercy, or mid-range support like Zenyatta. He also has quite the advantage over Junkrat at range.

Although Cassidy is capable of dealing damage at practically any range, his lack of weapon zoom makes it difficult for players to hit shots on far-away targets. Because of this, characters like Widow and Ashe can be quite the headache for Cassidy players and will usually snipe him before he has a chance to retaliate. Cassidy will also struggle quite a bit against larger targets that he can't immediately burst down. Thanks to his shield and wide weapon swings, Cassidy will usually lose to a Reinhardt at close range and runs the risk of being charged or rushed into. Roadhog will also make quick work of the cowboy, especially if he lands a hook attack. Cassidy will also struggle again Genji, as the cyborg is capable of deflecting his Peacekeeper shots and can even reflect his Deadeye ultimate back at him.

Tips & Tricks

Overwatch 2: Cassidy Guide (Tips, Abilities, And More) (5)

Cassidy can be effective in a lot of situations, but players will usually find the most comfort at mid-range. This is because Cassidy is capable of punishing players with well-placed shots, but he doesn't have much "escape" aside from his Combat Roll ability. Although his Peacekeeper alternate fire allows him to deal with close-range threats, and his Magnetic Grenade offers up some burst damage for extra "dueling capability" in close quarters, Cassidy usually operates best with a bit of range between himself and his opponents.

Because of the accuracy required to operate his weapon effectively, players should be sure to spend a decent amount of time honing their shots in the Practice Range before taking the fight to other players. Cassidy can do well in most situations, but players will find him especially useful in Payload-pushing maps, as his ability to stay near the point while dishing out solid damage makes him a great DPS option to help walk the objective to victory.

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Players that are in a comfortable position at the mid-range should be sure to toss his Magnetic Grenade as much as possible toward opponents to help dish out burst damage. Although Combat Roll can be used to reload the Peacekeeper, it's recommended that players only use it when they're attempting to escape a counter or another player's ultimate ability. That said, the Combat Roll is a great option when pursing a low-health target, as it puts Cassidy closer to the enemy while simultaneously reloading his weapon.

When it comes to using Deadeye, players should learn about where and when to position the ultimate. Although Deadeye is capable of laying waste to an entire team, it needs a small window of time to "charge up." Players should be aware that Deadeye will usually not one-shot a Tank (unless it charges for a long period of time or the Tank is at low health). The amount of time that it takes it "kill" is also dependent on the enemy's health. Because of this, players should try to activate their Deadeye when enemies are "softened up a bit," rather than activating it when everyone is at full health. The placement of Deadeye is also extremely important. Because the ultimate works based on what Cassidy can "see," players should avoid using it in areas with a lot of cover or obstacles. Cassidy players should also try to move into "flank positions" when using the ultimate as it's still possible to take damage. A Cassidy that uses Deadeye from an easily-seen position runs the risk of being countered or tipping the enemy off, allowing them to hide or block the damage.

Overwatch 2: Cassidy Guide (Tips, Abilities, And More) (2024)
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